National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ) Oklahoma Chapter: Jackson, Dickerson, Logan Scholarship
The Jackson - Dickerson - Logan scholarship is an award in the amount of $500. To be eligible, the student must be enrolled in an accredited college at the undergraduate or graduate level, including nursing, medical, and law school. Please see the application for additional information.
Click the button below to download the application.
The deadline for this application to be received is August 31st. Remember all applications are to be mailed to the “NABCJ-Oklahoma Chapter, Jackson, Dickerson, Logan Scholarship Fund”, PO Box 3264, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101-3264.
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice(NABCJ) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Award
Deadline: March 1
Amount: $2,000 Major: Criminal Justice3.0 GPA: 3.0 Classification: Undergraduates Website: Click Here for Additional Information or To Apply Description: The National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ) will award a scholarship to an individual who demonstrates academic excellence and financial need. This scholarship award is presented annually at NABCJ’s Annual Conference and Training Institute (the scholarship recipient is encouraged to attend the National Conference, usually held in July).
The purpose of the Scholarship is to offer deserving students financial assistance in continuing their education in the criminal justice field.
Other Requirements: Candidate has maintained the equivalent of a “B” average. Candidate has been accepted or is currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in Criminal Justice that will start the fall after receipt of the scholarship. The Candidate must submit a 1,000-word essay on why they are pursuing a career in Criminal Justice and why they are seeking the scholarship. Candidate must provide a copy of high school/current transcript supporting the reported GPA and must also include a copy of acceptance letter from university or college where accepted. A successful candidate will demonstrate need based on hardship or lack of opportunity to accumulate supplemental financial funds for the candidate’s education.
Other Requirements: Candidate has maintained the equivalent of a “B” average. Candidate has been accepted or is currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in Criminal Justice that will start the fall after receipt of the scholarship. The Candidate must submit a 1,000-word essay on why they are pursuing a career in Criminal Justice and why they are seeking the scholarship. Candidate must provide a copy of high school/current transcript supporting the reported GPA and must also include a copy of acceptance letter from university or college where accepted. A successful candidate will demonstrate need based on hardship or lack of opportunity to accumulate supplemental financial funds for the candidate’s education.